NOVEMBER // 2020 //
lockdown to open up

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The realities we care to build, beyond lockdown, will come through our hands.
Gestures that help to organize our thoughts and mobilize our inspiration: rough, notes, sketches, unfinished texts, pages of notebooks, sounds, articulations of vision. The imprint of our desires are reveled by the forms in which gestures produce objects, doodles, calligraphy, knowledge .
This first spark towards action, hold much more than its propositional meaning, they are processes remanent of our creative effort to be part of a cosmos we wish to live with. Through them, we find the means to practice, exercise, participate and manifest our intentions in the world.
All those mappings/processes/preparations for action, are a register of our ability to build sense. Imprinting our worlds with a dynamic sensitivity. In such a way that our thoughts have stronger value when shared. Since we live in continuous collaboration with each other, building ourselves and our reality thought after though, hand in hand, gesture upon gesture.
Lockdown to cultivate the necessary energy to open up to a balance and resilient otherness.
Otherness we are all figuring it out.
Enjoy the November’20 issue of CARE WHERE? Zine.
Camila Hein & Lúcio Canabarro, Aleks Borys, Ana Rocha, OTT&PROTTO, Luca Borsos, Sivan Lavie, Tiago Rosário, Marta Ziul, Imre Vass, Mariana Tengner Barros, Vånia Rovisco, Márcio K. Canabarro, Michiel Keuper & Martin Sieweke, Operndorf Afrika, Nomwindé Vivien Savadogo.